About Me

That's me. And this is my story.

Once upon a time in a land far away lived a family called the Davies'. That far away land was called Wales. Just about everybody in Wales is called Davies. 

But one special bunch of Davies lived in a manor called Howard Manor. So to make themselves an even more special bunch, they called themselves the Howard-Davies. This way no-one could confuse them with any other ordinary Davies. However, I am born and raised in Africa and I reside in Durban (I live in a complex called Woodfield, but Woodfield-Davies sounds so pretentious). 

Howard Manor and the family riches may be long gone, but we have managed to keep the hyphen. And that is the short story of my long last name.

As someone who hates sitting still, I turned to photography as a means to earn my living. It is a means to be out and about, to be traveling, to be meeting new people and most importantly to be able to create.

Contact James: 

075 4102 1124


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